Monday, May 30, 2011

I Can't Get No Satisfaction.

Traveling abroad for a two week period was long enough to allow me to have an outsider perspective of my life when I returned jet-lagged and half in a fog.

As I stared at my three grey cubicle walls, loopily writing checks twice for bills I began to ponder probably what any person with or sans mid-life crisis or David at the dentist has contemplated at some point.

Is this real life? More specifically is this MY real life?

Complacency is not good enough for me. It's time for some soul-searching changes.

After having really good non-processed food I can no longer stomach fast food and chemicals that are pumped into our food so I have found joy in looking for fresh products and preparing these items. My soul is soothed by tasting this food. I have also started back my weight loss & work out regimen and have established a love/hate relationship with pilates. I have started writing again. These things I thoroughly enjoy.
However these things only occupy a small percentage of my daily life. I need the things I do to have meaning. Or I need to find meaning in the things I do. I need to find my purpose. So over the last few weeks if I have seemed present but void or maybe complexed it is because I have been sorting and filing a lot of information in my brain. Over the next few weeks I will be considering what truly makes me happy and maintain inner peace. Don't fret folks, I'm not planning on drinking the kool-aid of some creepy cult or diving head-first into a religious regime. I just have some thinking to do.

I will decide if I am really content, if I can be content or if I need to find bliss elsewhere in regards to employment but also spilling over into other facets of my existence.
I need to find these things. This is my next journey.
I've started smiling like the pyscho-instructors on the work-out videos because this makes the tearing muscle pain and sweat rolling into my eyes more tolerable.
My homework assignment is to smile as much as I can this week. Smiles are contagious and euphoric.
Feel free to give it a try and report back to me.

Until next time,
Cherie Bobomb