Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 3 Prompt: Moment.

"Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail".

The boat rocked steadily on the waves making my stomach do acrobatics in nervous anticipation and motion sickness. We all need our motivation huh. The sun was precisely over head baking my crown. I removed my tank top and tied it around my head to thwart the suns blows. The ocean air caked my nose with a tiny dash of salt. The boat continued its fervent wave dancing. Two young men, barely old enough to drink, with tan lines and muscles in all the right places guide the boat. They fight to unwrap and untwist the lines. The newly-wed couple with us on the boat is exchanging amorous glances and pecks. Alex, being ginger in nature, had concocted a fort out of her life jacket and pants. I realized at that moment we would never make it if we were lost at sea. The guys release the parachute to its long-awaited freedom where it flees to the sky momentarily until something made a sudden snap. The chute plummets halfway into the water and partially on the deck. In retrospect, if I hadn't been secretly pumped up on adrenaline and using all my energy to avoid puking I certainly would've shown more convern. "We have to go back for another chute", said the one with the chipped tooth....I think as I was probably inconspiculously staring at his abs with a side eye. Finally harnessed into the chute on the back of the boat we have lift off. I am suprised that we are seemingly floating. I am suprised that being in the back I didn't throw up in Alex's hair. I am suprised that we didn't see any sharks or other creatures. Like white water rafting, I am suprised I went through with it. Prepare yourself for next year Alex, we still have fire and/or earth to conquer.

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